nouveau répertoire nouvel Album 07 octobre 2023
new repertoire new Album July 2023
A great career as a saxophonist and teacher at the Lyon Conservatory, and after an accident in my hands, it seemed clear to me that maybe I should stop playing, without however having been able to put away my instrument, the soprano saxophone, still blowing it every day... . Also devoting a lot of time to meditation every day, “the spirit” told me one day to continue for the joy of music…. From this was born the title UP TOWARDS TREES AND TROLLS, then IL MARCHE AU MOYEN AGE, SPIRIT FALCONNER, RICHENN (Legend in Breton) and many other a journey of the mind in ancient times... the SPIRIT FALCONER album was born.... ….
Always remained in me the music of Alan Stivell whom I accompanied in Bobino, we (the musicians) gave him the nice and admiring name of “Bard”.
je suis un « Spirit Falconner »
une métaphore du processus méditatif...
Immobilité suspendue. Fauconnier et faucon, ils sont le vent tous deux en attente du mouvement du gibier, tous deux en attente du mouvement de l’oiseau, immobiles et soudain en vol, lourd sur la main et sans poids en un instant…
sans poids il sera, planant flottant sur la mélopée tourbillonnante et silencieuse du vent, trois spirales trois ascendants avant de redevenir poids, poids lancé projectile qui fond sur une proie que le choc assomme.
et soudain … (Jean Mochon)
……...le silence de l esprit goûté pleinement après avoir vu dans son ciel les idées « capturées » par l ‘accueil conscient.
L album : Peut être un voyage celtique aux temps anciens….. ?
A metaphor for the meditative process...
Suspended immobility. Falconer and falcon, they are the wind both waiting for the movement of the game, both waiting for the movement of the bird, motionless and suddenly in flight, heavy on the hand and weightless in an instant...
without weight it will be, hovering floating on the swirling and silent melody of the wind, three spirals three ascending before becoming weight again, weight launched projectile which melts on a prey that the shock stuns. and suddenly… (Jean Mochon)
……...the silence of the mind tasted fully after having seen in its sky the ideas “captured” by the conscious reception.
The album: Maybe a Celtic trip into ancient times…..?
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